Marathon Pacers Apps

Satara Hill Half Marathon 311.1.3
**** Use the Location Mode to Device Only(UseGPS to pinpoint you location), Don't use High Accuracy mode ***The route for the Satara Hill Half Marathon has been describedinmany ways by past runners. Its been called Beautiful,Scenic,Blessed with Nature’s Bounty, a run in the clouds etc…. Butonething is for sure – NO ONE has ever called it “Easy” !Not without reason is it known as the ULTRA HALFMARATHON.Veterans who have run some of the most difficult distanceracesover the world have described this course as a tough nuttocrack.The route has total ascent of 413 meters and total descent of425meters. Because of the challenging terrain, a new runner who isnotaware of the terrain finds it difficult to plan his run toachievehis target completion time. This app is developed to helptherunners pace themselves through the roller coaster terrain ofPNBMetlife Satara Hill Half Marathon.This application can be used by runners of PNB MetlifeSataraHill Half Marathon who want to finish the half marathondistance ina specific time. The Smart Pacers feature of theapplication isconfigured for 21.1 km route and hence will not giveaccuratefeedback to runners running other distance.So, get ready, Put on your ear-phones and press Play button assoonas you cross the start mat and start running.Smart Pacers with finish times of 2:00, 2:15, 2:30,2:45 and3:00will guide your pace throughout the race.What are the pre-requisites to run this application ?You need an Android 4.1+ device to run this application. Youalsoneed to Enable GPS(Location) and we recommend to set the modetoDevice Only.We strongly recommend to use ear phones as the feedback givenbythe application is personalized and may confuseotherrunners.The application is currently supported only on AndroidPlatform.